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Our Music Curriculum is...


  • To cover National Curriculum programmes of study and outcomes.
  • To cover a wide range of different musical sounds and genres and throughout different periods in history.
  • To cover a wide range of musical skills.
  • To teach children about a wide range of musical instruments, some from different countries around the world.
  • Children to have the opportunity to play a mixture of tuned and un-tuned instruments.
  • To listen to and learn about a wide range of artists and composers throughout different periods in history.
  • Children to perform in a wide range of genres and styles of music as well as with different instruments.
  • Include links with other subjects in the curriculum to reinforce skills, knowledge and understanding and enhance learning.


  • Different genres of music are taught over each year. Children experience a balance of different styles.
  • Where possible music is linked with projects or other subjects to ensure children make links between the learning taking place in stand-alone music lessons.


  • Strands are built upon from EYFS to KS1 and then to KS2
  • Skills built upon from one year to the next with I can statements that break down the progression of knowledge skills and understanding into year group specific targets for our mixed year classes. 
  • Genres and styles taught in a progressive manner so that children see how each may have impacted or developed into other genres.   
  • Musical language and terminology built upon in each year, increasing in technicality.  
  • Children have the opportunity to play un-tuned instruments in EYFS which extends to include tuned instruments in KS1, progressing to the glockenspiel and some more un-tuned instruments in LKS2 which progresses to having two years of stringed instrument lessons in UKS2.


  • Knowledge is revisited and skills developed by repetition and reinforcement in use with other curriculum areas and as pupils progress through the school.


  • A range of technology and teaching approaches can be used by teachers to deliver this curriculum.
  • Apps and software can be used at different levels of independence and sophistication to ensure all can engage.
  • Teachers ensure that when groups are established they are always of mixed ability to encourage those more confident with music or who have peripatetic lessons outside of school to share their expertise with others.
  • Opportunities given to those who are talented in this area to show others their skills in order to inspire their peers.
  • All children are given the opportunity to play a stringed instrument in UKS2.


  • A two year rolling programme is used to plan for the needs of mixed year classes. For each term there is a programme of study for each class using Charanga, Musical school platform, except for UKS2 who have an external teacher in to teach weekly and teaches from her own plans.
  • Each class is equipped with an interactive whiteboard that is needed to support the lessons on Charanga.
  • Each child has their own log-in and some work will be saved in their own or their class’s folder.


  • Teachers use formative assessment during teaching and learning and provide support as needed so that all children make expected progress.
  • The level each child is working at (whether in line with the majority of I can statements for their year group, below or above) will be recorded and input into the school’s tracking system twice a year (February half term in preparation for written parent reports and at the end of the academic year to provide the receiving teacher with up-to- date information.
  • Photos, and videos  are taken when children are sharing performance based activities to show progress and formalise impact.