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Letter from Mrs Cook

Dear Parents,

In light of the current situation and to help support the on-going learning of your child while at home, I have put together a pack of home learning for your child including a set of maths papers and grammar and punctuation tests. I have included links to the sites and all provide a good range of activities and a mark scheme for the papers sent home for you to mark with your child. Many companies are now also giving free subscriptions and resources foe home learning. This is the current link to help you find them:


We would like the children to complete and carry out a research project as part of their time away from school. In science, we have been finding out about living things and their habitats. We have begun finding out about famous naturalists such as David Attenborough. Your child can choose how they would like to present their project. This could be written or completed on a computer. To be included:


  • Choose a famous naturalist of your choice (e.g. David Attenborough / Jane Goodall)
  • Find out how they became an expert in their field
  • Why they became interested in this area of science
  • Details of their lives
  • Significant discoveries or research they have been involved in
  • What impact / recognition they have had in the wider world
  • Anything else you think would be informative



White Rose Maths provide excellent resources on their website for free and work alongside Power Maths that we teach in school. (

The children have log ins to Purple Mash which they can access from home and this is useful for times tables practise and other activities which they would like to do. A letter with their log in and information for parents was sent home with your child yesterday.  I have set ‘To do’s’ which the children can access across a range of topics over the coming weeks. Please can they also complete the Year 6 work if there is some set as this is relevant to their learning in class and will be revision for them.

Scholastic have resources and videos etc. to support home learning free of charge providing up to 20 days of learning resources: You need to click on Grades 3-5.

Twinkl have given out a code that you can access which will provide free resources which you can download for your child. There are reading paper practise tests which focus on three mark questions and a range of activity mats too for quick revision. and the code is UKTWINKLHELPS

Please can you encourage your child to continue to read daily as this is such a huge part of their continued learning. They also have statutory spellings and spelling rules which they can continue to be practicing.

I have given your child a diary which they can complete daily to keep their writing skills going along with a handwriting book in which they can use to not only practise their handwriting but to be used for spelling practice too.

Kind regards,


Mrs Sarah Cook

Diamond Class Teacher