Vision, Mission Statement and Aims
"Flourishing in love and learning"
Our vision is for Spellbrook Primary School to be an inclusive learning community, where everyone strives for excellence within a Christian environment.
Mission statement
Through a culture of kindness and supportiveness built on the Golden Rule, we will meet the needs of all learners and enable them to flourish and reach their full potential.
The Golden Rule: "In everything - in every circumstance - do to others as you would have them do to you." Matthew 7:12
- To ensure everybody (children and adults) is valued and nurtured as members of the Spellbrook school family.
- To keep the needs of all the children at the heart of everything we do, preparing them for ‘life in all its fullness’.
- To love learning through exciting, creative opportunities.
- To be proud of ourselves and each other for always being the best that we can be, recognising that we are all special in God’s eyes.
- To be a happy, safe, caring, responsible and inclusive community, practising the Gospel values of love and respect for all.
- To be welcoming and supportive to all as we develop a partnership with parents and carers based on approachability, honesty and thoughtful communication.
- To develop a school ethos that:
- aims for the highest quality in all we do
- is committed to Christian values and making choices that reflect those values including promoting equality and embracing diversity
- recognises the value of effort, hard work and resilience
- inspires us to love learning, rise to a challenge and be determined to do our best.
- To provide a curriculum that:
- prepares all children for their next stage in education
- sets the foundations that enable them to take their place in the community and society as confident, responsible and capable individuals
- is broad and balanced, progressive, cumulative, enriched, inspirational and inclusive
- encourages the development of attitudes and values that are a reflection of our Christian ethos, and an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith
- builds cultural capital by deepening conceptual understanding and providing a range of opportunities and experiences;
So that all "Flourish in love and learning"