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  • Our aim is to develop children into confident mathematicians who are able to use mathematics as a tool in a wide range of activities both in and out of school. We want all children to acquire mastery of mathematics and continue acquiring mastery throughout their school lives, and beyond.
  • Throughout the school the children are involved in daily mathematical activities based on the requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study and outcomes.
  • The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:
    •  become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
    • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
    • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions


  • At Spellbrook mathematics is taught daily.
  • Additional fluency lessons and activities are used to improve children’s automatic recall of a core set of multiplicative and additive facts to enable them to focus on learning new concepts. 
  • Teachers follow the calculation policy to ensure consistency of approach throughout the school.
  • Many of the examples used in the maths lessons, particularly the written problems, use real life examples.
  • Where appropriate, links are made with other subjects in the curriculum to reinforce skills, knowledge and understanding and enhance learning.


  • Strands are built upon from EYFS to KS2.
  • White Rose Maths progressions and schemes of learning ensure progression through the year groups.
  • Lesson sequences are planned by White Rose and adapted by teachers where necessary.
  • Teaching maths mastery aims to teach in small steps to keep the class learning together, however there are opportunities to deepen the learning within the lesson and children that appear to be struggling are targeted within the lesson or for 1:1 or small group support afterwards.


  • Knowledge is built upon year on year.
  • In the Early Years and KS1, Mastering Number is used to ensure a strong foundation in understanding the properties of the numbers
  • Leaning is revisited in maths fluency sessions.
  • Common misconceptions are addressed within the planning.
  • The prior knowledge needed for each lesson is also highlighted within the planning.


  • Following a maths mastery approach, we aim to teach the whole class together and try to ensure that everyone keeps up. For those children identified as falling behind or with SEN, maths ‘catch up’ time is scheduled either within the lesson, in the afternoon or the following day.
  • If there is a significant SEND that means the child cannot access any of their year group’s learning, this is taken into consideration and may result in using a different approach.
  • Support is given in lots of different ways, for example, through use of adult led discussion, group work, mixed-ability pairing, use of manipulatives and drawings, extra time, repetition of similar questions, etc.
  • All children have an additional maths jottings book so that if required, children can consolidate their learning in a way that suits them that may be different from the way the work is set out in the workbook.
  • Challenge questions are provided for more able children which may be shared within the main input or later on in the lesson. They are also expected to complete the ‘challenge’ section of their workbooks.
  • White Rose provides suggested activities for both strengthening understanding and deeper level thinking for the most able.
  • The progress of disadvantaged pupils is closely monitored and where needed specific targets are set to bridge the gap. These are recorded by the class teacher and the impact assessed each half term.
  • There may also be more opportunities for the more able e.g. maths competitions and challenges with children from other local schools, number day.


  • We follow the White Rose scheme of work which includes the daily teaching focus including the use of interactive teaching tools and independent work that is completed in  work books specific to each year group that uses models and images that match the teaching resources
  • We have had support from the Maths Hub in implementing maths mastery throughout the  school.
  • Due to our mixed age classes, we have developed a number of strategies to ensure that the children get the maximum impact from the teaching and the independent work. We find that splitting the classes into year groups for the teaching of maths works best currently.
  • We use White Rose  ‘Flashback 4’ questions as part of our regular maths fluency work and as part of the end of term assessments.
  • Times Table Rock Stars is also used as a resource for children to practise their times tables and  increase their recall speed.
  • The subject is monitored by the subject leader and this includes learning walks, book looks and staff CPD.


  • Teachers use formative assessment during teaching and learning and provide support as needed so that all children make progress and those who have not met the year group’ expectations will be provided with support and opportunities to embed their learning.
  • At the end of each lesson the children’s independent work is assessed using the three tick system (see marking policy). Future planning is adapted where necessary in light of this.
  • At the end of each unit an end of unit check is carried out and results are used to inform future planning in maths lessons and fluency lessons.
  • The children’s progress is monitored by the class teachers and discussed in pupil progress reviews.
  • End of term assessments are carried out and this, as well as teacher assessment, will inform summative assessments recorded on the school’s tracking system.
  • At the end of the EYFS, mathematics, as one of the specific areas of learning, is included in the assessments for each child.
  • Children in  Year 6 complete SATS in the Summer Term. The outcomes are evaluated as part of the school Self Evaluation process.