Summer Week 1
I hope that you have all managed to have a good Easter break despite not really being able to get out!
Attached below is a link to this week's timetable of suggested activities. I will also put this onto Purple Mash in the 'Work' tab - Class > Emerald > Summer 1.
You can find spellings to practise on Monday's plan (and below) and a quiz set as a 2Do on Purple Mash to check these on Friday - be careful that you are opening the correct year group quiz to find the right words.
Emerald Class, please do log onto Purple Mash, find the class blog and add to it regularly - it will be a great way to keep in contact and I will also sometimes share any extra information you may need on there. If you've forgotten how to find a blog its explained in the timetable below. Parents, I can also be contacted daily on the class email.
I hope that you are all really well and look forward to seeing what you've been getting up to.
Mrs Howard